We strive to offer the very best tryout experience possible to all players who participate. We also hope our "Frequently Asked Questions" will further some of the most common questions we receive about our club's tryouts.
Q - Registration closed November 22, 2024 at 11:59pm, may I still register on the day of tryouts?
A - No, walk up registration is not permitted.
Q - What if my child is rather new to soccer and we're not sure if they should attend tryouts, any suggestions?
A - You know your child best, however, our Winter Select program is for highly motivated players who have experience in our recreation or select programs and have been highly successful in their age groups.
Q - Do I need to attend both tryouts as scheduled?
A - YES! Players should always attend both tryout sessions as scheduled to maximize their evaluation while being observed by our club's Professional Coaching Staff.
Q - What if I'm unable to attend both tryout sessions?
A - We will base our roster determination on the tryout session your child attended.
Q - If I'm unable to attend tryouts (both tryout sessions) do you have make up dates?
A - No.
Q - What should I bring to tryouts?
A - Players are expected to wear a white shirt, shorts and soccer socks to cover their shin guards. Bring your soccer ball (name clearly marked) and your water bottle.
Q - When does my child find out if they are selected for a team?
A - Following the final tryout session for each age group, our Director of Coaching and his staff finalize their evaluations and teams are formed. Each player will receive a Select team offer via email. Email offer provides a "YES" accepted team offer or "NO" declines team offer. Those that are offered team spots have 24hours to accept. Failure to accept may remove player from team formation process.
Q - What uniform do I wear?
A - Winter Select requires jersey numbers to be unique so our Coach and Club will assist each new team with the numbering protocol. All players will wear their 2022/2024 club purchased uniform ( no exceptions ).
Q - When does practice start?
A - Winter Select practice will start on or around the second/third week of December and teams will have 2 scheduled practices per week(weather permitting)
Q- When does the season end?
A - Winter Select will end the season schedule will end at the end of February 2025, but dependent on final game schedule. Games are on weekends, usually on Saturday's, but Sunday's too. Tournaments participated in are Sat/Sun format.
Q - What if I have questions that aren't listed in this FAQ
A - Email selectprogram@wcsc.org
Q- I registered for the club's Winter Development Academy, can I do both?
A - NO...club will issue you a full refund and then you'll register your child for Winter Select.